It's all gone to shit

Pay it forward

I really wasn't aware that the IMF involved itself in police matters. But, here we are: they're compensating me because my email address was found on a list of fraud victims.

Just between you and I, I don't think I've ever been defrauded, although not for want of trying, and certainly not to the tune of $1.5M. But the IMF and Western Union don't need to know that. If they want to give me money simply because they found my address on a list, I'm not going to stop them.

Date: Tue, 26 Apr 2022 06:53:32 -0700
Subject: Dear email owner,
To: undisclosed-recipients:;
Dear email owner, The International Monetary Fund (IMF) compensates all victims of fraud and your email address was found on the list of victims of fraud. This Western Union office has been hired by the IMF to transfer your compensation to you via Western Union Money Transfer. However, we have decided to make your own payment through Western Union Money Transfer, $5,000 per day until the total of $1,500,000.00, has been transferred to you in full. We may not be able to send the payment with your email address alone, so we need your information on where we will send the money to you, such as: Name of the addressee________________ Address________________ Country__________________ Telephone number________________ Attached copy of your ID_____________ Age ________________________ We will start the transfer once we have received your information: Contact email ( Thank you faithfully, Mr. MICHAEL ANTHONY, Director of Western Union Money Transfer. Tel: +1 (347)394-4348

I'm hoping that Mike can accommodate me on another deal. (wink)

Dear Mr Anthony, Thank you so much for contacting me. It's a relief to know that there are still good, honest people such as yourself, working tirelessly to combat fraud. Can I please ask you to forward my compensation in full, rather than over 300 days? Only, I have a rather large purchase that I must make on behalf of a Nigerian prince, and this would help tremendously. Sincerely