The ramblings of a pseudointellectal…or a genuine idiot?

Pet cemetery

I never thought I'd say that I like the idea of life in Iran, but I like the idea of life in Iran.*

Proposed legislation seeks to severely restrict the ownership of domestic pets, including dogs and cats. I would be delighted if more countries restricted the ownership of both species. Dogs are considered impure in Islamic tradition, and by anyone who has to keep an eye out for dog shit in public spaces.

"Can you believe that now Persian cats are not safe in their homeland?" a Tehran-based vet told the BBC.

Ali Hamedani, BBC World Service

Well, duh, it hasn't been Persia since 1979. So it's not really their homeland anymore, innit?**

* The idea? Yes. Actually doing it? No, not so much.

** Okay, not quite, Iran is Persian for the land of the Aryans, and the two are vaguely interchangeable, at least in western culture. Whether the revolutionary council sees things the same way is debatable.