Everyday thoughts, but not every day

Porky 🐷

three images of woman eating crispy pork skin Lina Mukherjee

A Muslim woman has been sentenced to two years' jail time by an Indonesian court for eating pork after offering a brief Islamic prayer—Bismillah—and then posting the video to TikTok. On the spectrum of all that's stupid, that has gotta lie more towards the really-not-a-good-idea end. I'd've thought that, as a Muslim, she'd be behind Islam's strict prohibition on consuming pig; or at least cognisant of Indonesia's strict blasphemy laws.

I guess some people will do anything for clout. (shrug)

Then again, the BBC and other news outlets actually describe her faith only as identifies as Muslim. Perhaps that's similar to men who identify as women; a convenience deployed to sidestep convention and slip through the cracks.