The drains have backed up again

Return to normal

As a mass shooting at a Boulder, Colorado supermarket leaves ten people dead, it would be the mark of a true cynic to see any light in this tragedy.

The supermarket shooting was the seventh mass killing so far this year following a lull in mass killings during the pandemic last year, according to a database compiled by the Associated Press (AP), USA Today and Northeastern University. The database defines mass killings as four or more dead.

BBC News droid

So, there you have it, at least some things are returning to normal. Although, perhaps not what President Biden had in mind.

Then again, last month he proposed to address gun crime by recommending tougher legislation to ensure background checks on anyone wishing to purchase a firearm. I dunno, Joe. That sounds an awful lot like shutting the stable door, not only after the horse has bolted, but after it's also found a mate and is busy having baby horses. You know those people committing these atrocities, Joe? Just so's you're aware, they already have access to firearms.

Ye gods! And I thought I was going senile.