What's that smell?

Same old, same old

Another day, another mass murder at a US school, when a 19-year-old armed with an assault rifle killed at least seventeen people at a high school in Parkland, Florida. School shootings in the US have become so common-place that they hardly make anything other than local news. But Florida's Senator, Marco Rubio, stated that it was too soon to jump to conclusions that there was some law that we could have passed that would have prevented it, while the state's Governor, Rick Scott, also refused to discuss gun control.

All of which suggests that they are sympathetic to the NRA's position on gun control, in which case they're either biased or really that dumb. Either way, it's got to be pretty scary if you're a citizen of the Sunshine State.*

According to Tomi Lahren (who?): This isn't about a gun it's about another lunatic.

Oh get your head out of your arse, lady, it's about a lunatic armed with an assault rifle. The US doesn't have the monopoly on lunatics, y'know; we have our fair share of nutters here in Europe. The difference being that we tend not to arm the bastards.

* Mind you, wasn't it Florida voters' chads that gave the world President Dubya? They're clearly not that bright.