Most of it's boring

Santa (st)Inc.

There's been a fair amount of online anger over Santa Inc., in which a couple of preachy, woke-activist Jews—Seth Rogen and Sarah Silverman—make snide jabs at a holiday figure and tradition that's irrelevant to their religion, and which isn't important to them or their families. Replete with the lazy profanity-as-humour that's so beloved of their fans throughout both households.

The trailer was heavily downvoted on YouTube, by 97%, before voting was disabled. Although how much of this reflects the opinions of genuine subscribers/viewers, as opposed to trolls who just want to make a point, is another matter. It hasn't done too well on ratings aggregators either.

It received an average audience score of 3% on Rotten Tomatoes and an IMDB rating of 1.1/10. The series now takes the top spot on IMDB’s list of lowest-rated TV shows, beating out a 2005 Hungarian drama that received a 1.4/10 rating.

Isabelle Docto, Santa Inc. starring Seth Rogen becomes lowest-rated TV show ever, Daily Hive

Outside the realm of TV shows though, Santa Inc. isn't the worst-rated show on IMDb entirely. Leaving aside the potential for review bombing, that honour goes to the specialness that is Attaway General, which has a rating of 1.0/10! Admittedly, part of Attaway General's low rating probably reflects the lack of acting ability among its cast, and we know that Rogen can act; he's been effortlessly playing the role of a failed comedian for years.

IMDb scores for Santa Inc.
IMDb scores for Attaway General

Really, no one's forced to watch the series. And, given that it's showing on HBO Max, most people won't have the opportunity. I rather suspect that more people have offered their opinions on the trailer than are ever likely to see the show. Besides, negative opinons don't count, even from those who have seen it, because they're all white supremacists; at least, according to Rogen:

Seth Rogen's Twitter announcement that “We really pissed off tens of thousands of white supremacists with our new show.”
While some anti-Semitic comments were made on the trailer, before commenting was disabled, most simply remarked on it being crude and unimaginative, and not being that good.

He and Silverman still have a little way to go to claim the accolade of lowest-rated series on IMDb. Nevertheless, it takes special talent to make something that attracts as much derision as Santa Inc. So, bless them for trying.

Merry Christmas!

Not the views of a white supremacist.

Personally, having grown up in the UK, I've always thought that Santa Claus was a bloody stupid name for Father Christmas—AKA Daddy Chrimbletide—anyway.