The ramblings of a pseudointellectal…or a genuine idiot?

Sequel, the first

Structured Query Language, or SQL, is the programming language used to interrogate relational databases. But how does one pronounced SQL when discussing it?

The real propeller-heads, apparently, like to keep it real, and pronounce the letters of the acronym separately: S-Q-L. But that seems like a bit of a mouthful to me. Some people pronounce it as squeal, which seems odd, but no more so than my preference, which is sequel.

I read somewhere that real propeller-heads don't like sequel. For some reason, that makes me like it even more. But I never discuss SQL with them, other than virtually via forums and message boards. So they'll never know. Tee hee.

I earn double naughty points for pronouncing FAQ as fak (singular) or fax (plural). AFAIK, the realio-dealio boyz 'n' gurlz, once again, pronounce the letters of the acronym separately: F-A-Q. I'm such a rebel.