The ramblings of a pseudointellectal…or a genuine idiot?

The Dark Side

Mondo sadness…I have purchased a Windoze computer! (sad)

One of the joys of going independent is that one is no longer tied to the mundanity of MegaCorpUSA's corporate IT systems. But there are still some realities, one of which is that most of the industry that I work in uses M$ Office. And while there is Office Mac, it has some distinct incompatibilities with the Windows version.

Now, I could install Windows on my Mac, but that would be rather like fitting a Ferrari with a towbar to go caravanning.* Instead, I bought a camper van of the computing world.

Years ago, before I became an Apple fag, I would have built my own computer. But that's too much hassle when those people at HP make a perfectly serviceable, and warrantied, computer.

Even if it doesn't run OS X.**

* Not to mention opening up my Mac to rape 'n' pillage by every pond-dwelling techno weenie on t'interwebz!

** But it has allowed me to evaluate the new Windows 8 user interface, and now I can see why M$ got rid of that blithering idiot Sinofsky. Roll on 8.1, which apparently does away with the Metro interface as a default for desktop computers.