And it's come to this

The piggy principle

The health benefits of muddy puddlesWriting for BBC Family Tree, Alessia Franco and David Robson extol the virtues of children playing in muddy puddles. It seems that playing with dirt and water is to the benefit of both physical and mental development.

To cut a boringly-long story short, dirty play exposes a child to microorganisms that can stimulate their immune system, building resilience to infection; kneading pliable materials, such as mud, develops tactile senses; and there are the obvious benefits of outdoor exercise. There may be more, I didn't make it through to the end of the article.

What isn't clear is how two grown adults can write almost 2,000 words on Why muddy puddles are actually good for children, and not once mention Peppa Pig.* (confused)

Even BoJo knows about Peppa, and he's a moron.

* I may not have read the whole article, but I did run a word search on whether the porcine muddy puddle jumper was mentioned, to no avail.