Most of it's boring

Too close to the sun

I'm not sure whether to file this under comedic genius, or intellectual tragedy.

YouTube channel It'sAGundam runs down some of the inanity on TikTok, for those of us too careful to venture forth. It's a service that he provides to the community. Bless him.

One TikToker explains how the sun is much closer than we think. At least, I think that's the point she's making.

So, riddle me this. If the sun is in space, all the way up there in space, and it's shining down on us, you know, like they say, from space, then why the fuck can a cloud go over the sun? Just one cloud can go right over the sun, and it's instantly five degrees cooler. If the sun was all the way in space, that would be impossible. Now think about it.

@__aliceyaaa, Tiktokers Explain History and Science, It'sAGundam

He questions whether this is satire. It could be. I hope it is.

Of course, I'm viewing this out of context, and some nuance may be lost. But if it is satire, she's a deadpanning legend. I couldn't keep a straight face like she did. So, I didn't. (LOL)

Adiós, bitchachos.