I think I've soiled myself

Trust me, I'm a doctor

Twitter has suspended Dr Naomi Wolf's account, after she was found to have spread Chongvax misinformation. Her messages included such gems as vaccines being a software platform that can receive uploads, and that the excreta of vaccinated individuals should be separated from general sewage, until its impact on non-vaccinated people through drinking water has been studied. It seems more humorous, in a batshit crazy way, than misinformative to me; although if it's a sign of her mental illness, then I should feel bad for laughing.

My first thought was that the title of Wolf's doctoral thesis must've been something along the lines of Banging My Head Against the Wall to Stop the Voices. As it turns out, she holds a doctorate of philosophy in English literature from Oxford University, no less, but in this case it amounts to pretty much the same thing, really.* It certainly doesn't make her an expert in immunology or virology, so why take any notice of her ramblings? Presumably because she's an infamous conspiracy theorist, which sets her apart from the average nutter, I suppose. It should set off alarm bells for anyone with an above-room temperature IQ though. I guess the Twitterati aren't too bright, and actually fall for this bollocks.

I hold a doctorate of philosophy in pharmacology from London University. My thoughts on the works of Chaucer, Shakespeare, or even nineteenth century British homoerotic authors, count for square root of diddly-squat.

So, relax, kids. Don't take Wolf so seriously. Kick back, grab a beverage of choice, and just enjoy the giggles derived from someone humiliating themself in public without realising it; the implications for her mental wellbeing, and that of anyone who believes her message, notwithstanding.

Sheep following a Wolf, who'd have thought it?

* Wolf's doctoral thesis, Ecstasy or justice? The sexual author and the law, 1855-1885 is controversial, and not in an academically-sound manner. It has numerous factual errors, and was embargoed for six years prior to publication. When it was finally published on Oxford University's website, it was accompanied by nine pages of errata. The publication of her book based on her thesis was cancelled by one publisher, and future imprints were corrected by another, after critical factual errors were brought to light. This is not a sign of rigorous academic achievement. And that's in her chosen field, one in which she presumably has some degree of proficiency!