This is my truth

Two-faced Charlie

As Commonwealth heads of state head to Rwanda for a knees-up, Prince Charles will be representing the Queen as the head of the Commonwealth. This will likely increase his chances of rubbing shoulders with BoJo, of whose Rwandan relocation plan he's not so keen.

They were "in need of a welcome, of rest, and of kindness", said the prince, with a timing that some saw as not accidental.

Sean Coughlan, royal correspondent, BBC News

If he's that compassionate, ol' bat ears can put them up on his estate, rather than foisting them into the proles' back gardens. And, while he's at it, he can dip into his own bank account to cover the costs of his largesse, rather than expecting tax payers to foot the bill.

Nah! Better to talk the talk and leave the hoi polloi to deal with with the fallout, eh Charlie? You two-faced sack of shit.

I think it's very magnanimous of the BBC to give a job to a member of the Royal Family, presumably one of the lower echelons, who don't get to sponge off the taxpayer and who have difficulty in finding gainful employment. Or is Sean Coughlan their royalty correspondent, rather than an actual member of the actual fam? (thinking)