Most of it's boring

Vape pressure

Warning of the dangers of childhood vaping, the BBC corrects an earlier version of its article:

Correction: An earlier version of this story incorrectly quoted Ms Carter as saying 70% of young vapers were vaping regularly. The story has been amended to reflect her actual quote, "17%".

Dominic Hughes and Lucy Watkinson, BBC News

It now reads:

Fidelma Carter, from the charity Northern Ireland Chest, Heart and Stroke, says 17% of young vapers are doing it regularly. "Young people are taking up vaping because they assume there is no risk, there's no dangers [sic].

Dominic Hughes and Lucy Watkinson, BBC News

Mind you, since she clearly can't talk proper, Hughes and Watkinson can be forgiven for misunderstanding seventeen as seventy. She may've even been speaking while she had her fist in her mouth. Innit?

Still, it's always nice to recognise those occasions when Auntie Beeb has a stab at that transparency in reporting malarky. There's hope for the ol' bird yet.

Either there's no danger or there're no dangers.