Everyday thoughts, but not every day

When is not a ban, a ban?

Following his deplatforming from social media, Donald Trump's bestie, Florida Governor Ron DeSantis, has signed a bill to penalise technology companies that deplatform politicians. This legislation is, apparently, for everyday Floridians. As long as they're politicians, presumably.

Opponents argue that the move violates Americans' constitutional rights to free speech. It seems just the opposite to me, though, since it's big tech that's stifling the free speech of anyone who's not politically-aligned with their own views, or those of the more opinionated, intolerant, and vocal Twitterati. But I'm not a merkan, I'm not active on social media, and my own opinion of Donald Trump is that he's an arsehole; so I don't really care.

But what struck me as remarkable is a provision that theme park owners wouldn't be subject to the law. What on earth could that be about? Surely not political manoeuvring on behalf of local corporate interests? (thinking)

[Republican Representative Blaise] Ingoglia explained that lawmakers tried to make an exception for a Disney+ app.

Bobby Caina Calvan and Brendan Farrington, NBC Miami
