Bitches bitch'n'

Woke's 7

seven diverse persons in fancy dress Click News and Media
Seven persons of DivErSitY AnD InCLuSiOn™. The guy third from right seems to be having a fine time, and the dwarf's just happy to be there after Peter Dinklage pulled up the ladder. At least the rearmost has the awareness to look ashamed; it's either that, or he's standing in for Bashful.

ho-ho-heigh-ho! Leaked photos from the set of Snow Woke and the Seven Diverse Magical Beings of Generally Conformative Stature, show the actors' stand-ins gaily* larking about in an English meadow. They're very funny; the photos, that is, not the stand-ins, whom I'm sure are serious artistes who're dedicated to their craft, trouping in the best traditions of Thespis, dahling. (muses) (clown)

It appears that Disney might be going for the comedy angle here.

Either that, or the am-dram aesthetic is because it's being done on the cheap. In which case, it shouldn't lose too much money at the box office.

I've just watched the final scene from Blake's 7. It too was risibly kitsch 'n' chintzy, but at least had the excuse of being made for BBC TV in 1981.

* Certainly in the first and third senses, and quite possibly all three.

publicity shot of Snow White, showing Rachel Zegler surrounded by animated dwarves The Walt Disney Company
Rachel Zegler as Snow White, surrounded by seven creepy-looking guys.

Disney's flip-flopped over Snow White recently, being vague as to their real intentions for the film. It's almost as if they've been having second thoughts, given some of the media feedback—social and mainstream.

Along with a delayed release—it was scheduled for Spring 2024, but has been pushed back a full year to 21.03.2025, probably due to rewrites being stymied by the writers' and actors' strikes—the diverse magical beings seem now to be dwarves again. But not live actors. Isn't that somewhat at odds with the claim to be a live-action musical reimagining? (confused)