Bitches bitch'n'

A woman's work is never done

An Italian teacher was sacked after not attending her school for twenty years of her twenty-four year career. Her absenteeism was brought to light only when she returned to work briefly, and her students complained how terrible she was at her job. She should've stayed absent, since it was working so well for all parties.

For her part, Cinzia Paolina De Lio has vowed to reconstruct the truth—which may be a mistranslation of tell my truth from the Italian—but not just yet. For she has weightier matters to attend to…

The secondary school teacher, who specialises in history and philosophy, said she had documents to prove her story but told Repubblica newspaper: "Sorry, but right now I'm at the beach."

Mattea Bubalo, BBC News

Well said, Cindy! All that my truth shit can wait, right? Sun's out; school's out, and even if it wasn't, sun's out. (sun) (cool)