It's all gone to shit

Alvin Stardust: done rockin'

Alvin Stardust, 1974
You gotta be shittin' me!

Those of a certain age may remember Bernard Jewry's alter ego, Alvin Stardust—the one that he took on after abandoning Shane Fenton, that is. I'm unsure if this is a good thing or not. He never really appealed to me, being part of the early '70s UK glam rock scene that is such a shit stain on my memory. But, otherwise, he wasn't particularly offensive as such.

Keith Richards once described him as the Godfather of British Rock 'n' Roll. Although there's no mention of what Richards was smoking at the time.

Anyway, he won't be promoting his first album in 30 years.

Interesting fact, pop-pickers: he wasn't even the original Alvin Stardust, taking over from the character's creator. So his obituary should really state that an Alvin Stardust has died.