And it's come to this

BvS: DoJ: someone fire the costume designer

I don't know why Gal Gadot is presented so prominently on the Blu-Ray cover to Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice, because she has hardly any screen time. Which is unfortunate, since Wonder Woman's the best part of this film.

Actually, I do realise why Gal Gadot is presented so prominently on the cover…it's to deflect attention from Batman's lousy costume. I thought Ben Affleck was okay as Batman, not as good as Christian Bale, but there you go. But he was let down by the costume design, especially the battle suit, which was totally gay and ruined it for me.

But, if there's one reason to avoid this film, it's Jesse Eisenberg's portrayal of Lex Luthor. Strewth, he's in-frikkin'-sufferable.

2/5, and that's only because I'm feeling insanely generous.