It's all gone to shit

Clocking off!

While the girls have that smouldering dreamboat, Paul Ross, Canvas Clocks have something for the boys: a Pam St Clement wall clock. Battery included!

★★★★★ Pat's come to bed eyes There's so many things wrong with it but even a wrong clock is right twice a day. I've laminated mine for easy wipe down. Photo stops short of the cleavage. The gaffer tape on the back is a nice touch. Gives it a rustic feel.

Mr R., customer review, Amazon UK

It can also be purchased with the insanely desirable matching original art coaster.

Who could refuse?

Pam St Clement wall clock
Phew! Time—no pun intended—for a cold shower!
Pam St Clement coaster
A little something for your bedtime cocoa. Oh, lordy!