This is my truth

Comics for dummies

Richard Meyer is an independent comic book writer, or artist, or both. Something like that. He has a YouTube channel in which he talks about comics. I don't know why YouTube throws this shit up at me, but it does.

He discusses the community of channels for people who aren't comics nerds or avid readers, and who have only a casual interest in stories told through pretty pictures and speech bubbles.

It's gonna sound condescending but I call it comics for normies. [rambling waffle] They tend to put comics in the [channel] title because normies like hey this is probably about comics because it's got the word comics right there.

Richard Meyer, SLOWLY AT FIRST...AND THEN ALL AT ONCE- How Does A Straight Character SUDDENLY Become Gay?

Meyer's own channel? Why, none other than Comics MATTER w/Ya Boi Zack.

Yep, comics! Right there, in the title. Jus' sayin'. (pipe)