It's all gone to shit

Don't Say Ghey

There's a good deal of outrage on social media that Florida's governor, Ron DeSantis, has moved to prohibit kindergarteners from being indoctrinated by rainbow mafia propaganda. Under the headline Florida lawmakers pass 'Don't Say Gay' bill, which is at best naïve and at worst inflammatory, the the world's most trusted international news broadcaster™ gave a partisan view on Florida's House Bill 1557, Parental Rights in Education:

Florida's Senate has passed a bill to ban discussions of sexual orientation or gender identity in primary schools. Governor Ron DeSantis is expected to sign the measure, which would bar teachers from teaching these topics to children under 10 years old.

Shrai Popat and Holly Honderich, BBC News

the Sunshine StateYet something that the twinks' allies at Beeb Towers chose to turn a blind eye to is the fact that, while House Bill 1557 specifically mentions classroom instruction in sexual orientation and gender identity to prepubescent children, there is no specific requirement for any sort of sex education in the Sunshine State before grade 6—eleven years old—and even then it's limited in scope.

I guess Floridians just don't like to think of [cough] one's nether regions, despite their state resembling a flaccid penis. Or, perhaps, because of it. (embarrassed) (wink)