And it's come to this

Fat-thumbed dinosaur eats crow

The battery life of my iPhone 6s is plummeting. I had it replaced about a year ago, but even so it's been getting really bad recently; like it'll drop from full charge to about 75% overnight. When I'm travelling, and have my train/air tickets on it, I have to carry a backup battery as life-support.

My recent acquisition of a company iPhone SE made me realise that I could upgrade, and still have a home button. But then I did thinking. Oh, shit!

I cannot, for the life of me, recall what made me think of the mainstream iPhones. It may have been a friend telling me that the SE's chip was hobbled somehow; I don't know whether that's true or not, I couldn't be bothered looking into it. Anyway I had my daughter give me a few basics on gestures, slowly this time. And now I have an iPhone 13.

Not a 14, because I remembered Eve Jobs' cynicism about the recent upgrade, and there's a quantum leap in price between the two, for not a lot of gain. After a cost comparison, I concluded that customers outside North America are still paying for satellite connectivity even though it's unavailable to them. I fully accept that I pay for features that I'll never need, that's the nature of the beast; but I baulk at the idea of paying for features that are excluded to me [for reasons], irrespective of whether or not I'll actually ever need them.

So, yeah, this fat-thumbed dinosaur's joined the ranks of the…umm…people with newer mobile phones. Look out world!