It's all gone to shit

Free nutrition!

ticket price list for attending NUTRI-2022
Ticket prices for NUTRI-2022.* But, as an invited speaker, I have the privilege to register for FREE!!!

Kathy Miller's soliciting me. At least I think she is. Unless the omission of a comma is intentional, in which case she's inviting me to solicit myself. And that makes even less sense than the rest of her missive.

Obviously desperate for virtual bums on virtual seats in less than two weeks' time, she's offering free registration for my fantastic speaking abilities. Clearly, she hasn't heard me speak.

But I'm curious as to what the schtick is here. Free registration, for a virtual conference‽ Since these buggers are only in it for the money, what's in this for them? Other than the satisfaction of exploring a holistic perspective on nutrition's frontier novelties; whateverthehell that's supposed to mean.

There is, however, one common factor running through these missives from 150 South Wacker Drive #2400—other than the lies and deceit; the gibberish; the scientific bankruptcy; and the changing mail headers to circumvent sender block rules. And that's the disclaimer.

It's only just occurred to me that it's not a disclaimer as such, it's simply an option to opt-out/unsubscribe. But perhaps that is the disclaimer, in a skeevy fashion. I never opted-in or subscribed in the first place, so how can I logically unsubscribe per se? Hence, disclaimer!

Or perhaps I'm just reading more into Magnus Conferences' low-intellect bollocks than is really justified. (thinking)

Good day. We are delighted in inviting you to solicit your presence as a Speaker at “2nd Edition of International Nutrition Research Conference” held Online during June 15-16, 2022. This year we have adopted the theme “From Evolution to Revolution: A Holistic Perspective on Nutrition's Frontier Novelties”. The conference will go to the heart of all matters relating to Nutrition and will address the challenges faced by the field. It will feature an array of International Scientists, Researchers, Academicians, and experts who will share their published and unpublished research findings on our global podium. For more information, visit the Conference Website It is an honor for us to invite you as a speaker for our global conference. We know you're a fantastic speaker, and we're confident that our attendees and delegates will benefit much from your presence. We are delighted to offer you free registration under the privilege of Invited speaker We are confident that we will have a stimulating conference, and that your presence and involvement will contribute to this vibrancy. Kindly confirm your acceptance by sending us the title of the talk. Please feel free to contact us. We are always there for your help and reference. Looking forward to a positive and prompt response. Warm Regards, Kathy Miller Program Manager | Nutri-2022 Email: Phone: + 1 (702) 988-2320 WhatsApp: +1 (434) 382-1007 -------------------------------- 150 South Wacker Drive #2400 Chicago, IL 60606, USA Disclaimer: If you don't want to receive any further emails from us, please respond back with remove/opt-out or click to Unsubscribe

* The email link to the conference website is a registration page at USA Conferences. But that page gives the contact email address as [sic], and links to another site at Magnus Conferences. All of which suggests some convoluted, possibly shady, connection between the two domains, when it would be easier to just be open and honest.

Go figure. (shrug)