It's all gone to shit

Ghouls jus' wanna have fun

Years ago, I saw a TV programme, hosted by Bill Oddie, on the interpretation of dreams. Apparently, dreaming of being naked in public has a specific meaning. I can't remember what it is, but Oddie was reenacting for the camera. Fortunately, he retained his underwear. Nevertheless, the very thought of him naked scared me off having that dream for years.

Usually, even if I'm aware of dreaming at night, I can barely recall it by the morning. But last night was different. Last night, I dreamt that auntie was a ghoul. When I say auntie, I don't mean anyone in particular, certainly not Auntie Beeb, nor anyone that I'm familiar with.

But, in this dream, one of the characters was auntie, and she was a ghoul: not the weirdo fascinated with the macabre kind; the undead, eat-your-face kind.

As I lay there in bed, I looked down and saw her face as she bit into my arm. It was so vivid I almost shat myself. It truly shocked me awake, bolt upright.

I'm only posting this here because it made such an impression on me that I wanted to get it down before I forget it. And I know that no one will read this so, unlike Bill Oddie in his underwear, I won't have scarred any innocent minds. Cool.