And it's come to this


photo of Watkins Elementary School with sign stating Catharine R. Watkins Elementary School Perkins Eastman DC
Catharine R. Watkins Elementary School?

Pupils aged eight and nine years at Watkins Elementary School, Washington DC, were allegedly forced to re-enact events from the Holocaust, including shootings and digging mass graves. One child was given the role of Adolf Hitler to play, which presumably saved them having to act out any hard labour, although they did have to commit suicide at the end; re-anacted, I hasten to add.

One parent cited by the paper alleged that the instructor told students that the Holocaust took place "because the Jews ruined Christmas".

BBC News droid

The unnamed staff member, named elsewhere as Kimberlynn Jurkowski, is clearly a HBO Max subscriber, who's been scarred more than most by Santa Inc. Even so, this seems like an overreaction, if not a little histrionic: those Jews haven't ruined Christmas if you don't let them, Ms Jurkowski. (pipe)

But why is the Catharine R. Watkins Elementary School only called Watkins Elementary School? It's gotta be because she's a girl. If she'd been a boy, his whole name would've been used. Then it wouldn't be Catharine, though. Probably.