What's that smell?

I'm so pumped*

Apple recently held its annual WWDC in San Jose, in which it outlined future developments for its hardware and software platforms. Their commitment to privacy is a good thing, as long as it doesn't overcomplicate things, as Apple is wont to do.

But, as usual, it's the stuff that's left out that's disappointing.

I want better editing tools and the ability to use scanned signature images added to Preview, so that I can finally ditch Adobe Acrobat Reader.

I want Photos to become a proper replacement for Aperture. I don't want to have to use a third-party app when Apple already have the capability to produce an elegant solution in-house. Plus, it was they who rendered my Aperture licence null-and-void, so they owe me.

I would also like to have language selection independent of my keyboard layout. I use a US English keyboard for programming—living in Switzerland, $ is of more use than £—but UK English spelling; and OS X automagically starts new documents with US English as the default. (mad)

That's pretty much the alpha and omega of my wish list.

But, instead, Apple treats us to Memojis (3D avatars) with piercings and makeup. As demonstrated by a couple of braindead beauty vloggers.

Be still, my beating heart.
