Bitches bitch'n'

It's not harmful if you treat it right

Purveyor of sugar-laden shit, Kellogg's, is taking the UK government to court, over restrictions on the display of nutritionally-deficient, obesity-inducing breakfast cereals in stores.

Kellogg's says the rules fail to consider the nutritional value of the milk added to the product.

Simon Jack, business editor, BBC news

I have to admire the company's sheer unbridled audacity there. It's nutritious if you add something nutritious to it. And children never eat breakfast cereal without milk. Oh no.

Seriously, with a reach like that, they could earn good money 'neath the Queensboro Bridge.*

In other news, big tobacco is planning to challenge restrictions on the sale of cigarettes, arguing that they don't cause death or disease if you don't burn them. Remember, kids, you read it here first.

* Norm Macdonald joked that his co-host on Norm Macdonald Live, Adam Eget, earned $15-a-trick performing reach-arounds beneath NYC's Queensboro Bridge.