Bitches bitch'n'

Mary, Mary, on the contrary

According to a new film, Mary Magdalene was not a fallen women redeemed by Christ; that was all made up by Pope Gregory I in 591. Instead, she has now been given a completely new, and likely just as fictitious, back story.

Ho hum, sounds riveting. And rather pointless, since her reputation was rehabilitated by the Catholic Church in 1969. But I suppose it makes a change from zombie and superhero films, so that's something at least.

The purpose of this entry, though, is simply to reflect on the BBC's editorial sloppiness. Again.

It [her reputation as a penitent prostitute] is a notion that has been perpetuated for centuries - partly thanks to Andrew Lloyd Webber, who had Mary sing about the "many men" she's "had" in Jesus Christ Superstar.

Neil Smith, entertainment reporter, BBC News

As any fool knows, Andrew Lloyd Webber wrote the music to Jesus Christ Superstar, but the lyrics were written by Tim Rice. (SMH)

So get it right, Auntie Beeb. If you want to blame anyone for disparaging her honour, blame Sir Timbo.