Will this madness never end?


I've always been more attracted to the food of Italy, Portugal, Spain, and Greece than anywhere else. But it was only when reading of the Mediterranean diet today, that I realised its similarities to the one that I follow naturally when I just cater for myself.

This diet typically includes plenty of fruits, vegetables, legumes and pulses, as well as nuts, whole grains, fish, unsaturated fats such as olive oil. It also includes a moderate amount of dairy (cheese and yoghurt mostly) and limited consumption of meat and saturated fat, such as butter.

BBC Food droid

It's just a pity that I'm also drawn to specific components of the German diet: Sauerkraut; Leberwurst; and…beer. (beer) (sad)

I was going to title this post Mediterranean me, but decided to be clever instead. Did I go too far?