Will this madness never end?

Neverending lockdown

President Pooh's lackeys at the WHO are concerned over China's response to the WuFlu. They believe that continued lockdowns in the face of Chongvirus omicron are not sustainable. Oh well, never mind.

The restrictions that are being implemented in the Sino-shithole are pleasingly oppressive, including:

All non-essential businesses have been shut, apart from food shops and some other essential suppliers

Wanyuan Song, BBC News

Which is the same as saying all non-essential businesses have been shut. (rolleyes)

Until the current outbreak, China had managed to maintain a low number of deaths and infections, going by official data. If you adjust for population size, there's been around three deaths per million people in mainland China, compared with about 3,000 in the US and 2,400 in the UK.

Wanyuan Song, BBC News

And how much of a gullible numnut do you have to be to accept the official Chinese statistics? Those numbers are unverifiable and, given the Chinese reluctance to lose face, likely fictitious. I guess the world's most trusted international news broadcaster™ is now shilling for Pooh.