The ramblings of a pseudointellectal…or a genuine idiot?

Now then, now then! Jimmy Savile done pervin'...allegedly*

It appears that the late Saint Jimmy Savile had a predilection for ladies of a certain age. And in his case, the age may have been lower than that of consent.

C'mon who didn't think that there was something odd about him?

Many years ago my mother—not the sharpest knife in the drawer, bless her—suggested the reason that he didn't marry was: because he couldn't find a woman as bloody perfect as he is. But, in reality, it seems that marrying his perfect woman may well have been illegal. Allegedly.*

I never liked the guy. I always considered him to be an egotistical, irritating self-publicist. But he did a lot of work for charity. It just appears that his charitable works were not always as charitable as the public thought.

* I say allegedly with Angus Deaton-esque post-modern irony, since these allegations are rarely made public while the accused is alive to defend their reputation, or face justice, are they?