All's not what it seems

Panderin' in Mandarin

John Cena has apologised to China for referring to Taiwan as a country, while promoting the latest in the Fast and the Furious franchise, F9: The Fast Saga, which led to the film tanking at the Chinese box office. He even grabbed his ankles, and issued his apology in Mandarin Chinese. What a guy. (puke)

His grovelling wasn't enough for some though.

"Please say 'Taiwan is part of China' in Chinese, otherwise we will not accept," one Weibo user wrote.

BBC News droid

This is the same level of nationalistic, propaganda-fed, deluded shithead who believes that the Chongvirus originated in the US. Taiwan is a sovereign state, whether the CCP or retards on Weibo like it or not. More than that, China is North-West Taiwan. #NorthWestTaiwan #PresidentPooh