Will this madness never end?

Asparagus: too exciting for lawyers

Belgian lawyers discovered a six-step recipe for asparagus hidden within the French text of the nation's official journal, Moniteur Belge.

The text appeared to have been accidentally copied and pasted into legislation on the price of drugs and medical supplies. "Bon Appétit!" read the final line of the recipe, before returning to more serious issues. The text has now been deleted from the database.

BBC News droid

How apt, for lawyers in Europe's most boring country to find something interesting and useful among their nation's collected laws and decrees, and remove it. (SMH)

I'm most curious as to how a recipe for asparagus could involve six steps though. My own experience tells me that wash, steam, and eat are good enough. And at least one of those isn't a step, as such.

Given that this is a French recipe, I wouldn't be at all surprised if most of the steps are for a fitzy, creamy sauce that smothers the flavour and ruins the vegetable.