And it's come to this

Picture imperfect

If you desire a special commemoration of a beloved pet, acclaimed artist Hercule Van Wolfwinkle is your go-to portraitist. Just supply a photograph of the subject to be immortalised, and he'll supply the magic—availability notwithstanding, he's insanely popular and has a long wait-list. But it's not difficult to see why:

Mere words cannot describe the artwork of Hercule Van Wolfwinkle 2020, Hercule Van Wolfwinkle
The English lexicon is entirely inadequate 2020, Hercule Van Wolfwinkle
I love how the dog's and the toy's mouths are exchanged.
A picture paints a thousand words, you just cannot see them 2020, Hercule Van Wolfwinkle
If you can't see this, you've lost the internet 2020, Hercule Van Wolfwinkle
He doesn't limit himself to dogs.
He did the illustrations for free and shared them on social media with funny fake reviews and got thousands of likes. People were keen to pay him something, but he said: "I couldn't take their money - the pictures are rubbish. So I set up a Just Giving page and suggested people donate instead."

BBC News droid

I was at a low ebb, but this sort of thing just affirms my faith in humanity. How could I not donate to the homeless?

You can explore more of his artwork at the BBC, Bored Panda, and F*c*Book.