All's not what it seems


There's a certain confusion here, but I don't know whether the fault lies with Mr Robb or between my ears. I simply cannot understand the relevance of neonatal care to a Journal of Biomedical Research and Environmental Science.

For sure, you could make an argument that neonatal care falls under the auspices of medicine, and therefore biomedicine. But in that case, there's such a lack of specificity that the webcomic in question might as well be Journal of Anything Biological.

Now, Stephen informs me that he's tried calling me several times, but I never responded. That's because my phone number's not listed. He is, however, sure that I'll always be here for them. I'm equally sure that whether I'm here or not, it won't be for them.

From: "Neonatal Care | J Biomed Res Environ Sci" <>
Subject: Need your support!
Date: Thu, 15 Sep 2022 15:24:01 +0530
Neonatal Care | J Biomed Res Environ Sci Topic ID: SRLID23 We tried calling you several times, but since you never responded, we'd like to do so once more as a courtesy. For the new edition, we are missing one article. Is it feasible for you to support us by contributing an article to this issue by September 25th, 2022, or earlier? Please provide a 2-page opinion, mini-review, or case study if you have a short notice. We believe a 2-page piece won't take too much time for someone of your caliber. You will always be there for us, we are sure of that. Best regards, Stephen Robb | USA

Sasha Sims is the editorial manager of J Biomed Res Environ Sci. Like Steve, she's based in India, but pretends otherwise. Unlike him, though, she seems to be grifting for Medicine Group. WTF?

But I can contact her if I have any further information! (confused)

From: "Gerontology | Medicine Group" <>
Subject: Want to see your article indexed?  : Gerontology 
Date: Fri, 16 Sep 2022 10:09:59 +0530
Gerontology | Medicine Group Topic Id: SRLID12 This is Sasha Sims and I’d wish to invite you to contribute your innovative research work to our journal as we are in the process of issue release and seeking support from professional experts. I know you might be busy with your research. Could you please just hit us back with a number 1-3 that best describes your response? 1. Impact factor? 2. Publication fee? 3. I have a manuscript, I will submit. If you are willing to submit your manuscript, please attach it to this email. Your response is highly appreciated. Have a great day!! Best Regards, Sasha Sims, Editorial Manager J Biomed Res Environ Sci Middletown, DE 19709, USA Please let us know if you have any further Information: Online Chat (or) WhatsApp
<span lang="EN-US" style='[snip]; mso-fareast-language: EN-IN;'>
Hello Sasha Sims, How about I hit you back with: 4. I don’t publish my innovative research in garbage-level webcomics for the sole benefit of skeevy predatory publishers. Sincerely,

This time it's the turn of Ellen B.—or Ellen. B—to courteously shit into my inbox on behalf of Journal of Biomedical Research & Environmental Sciences, after having tried to contact me several times without response. Surprisingly, she's missing just one article for the next issue, but is sure that someone of my calibre can knock out a two-pager in a couple of weeks.

Yes, of course all of this is bollocks, as covered here many times before. And, of course, she's based in India—server time zone, language header and body language are set to EN-IN—but pretending otherwise—fake address, and message language set to EN-US.

<body lang=EN-IN link="#0563C1" vlink="#954F72"> <span lang=EN-US style='font-size:11.0pt'>

At least she offers the possibility to unsubscribe, although no instructions as to how to do it. And probably no guarantee of success either.

From: <>
To: "'Doctor'" <[my email address]>
Subject: [my email address] | Enhance your reputation by contributing your knowledge.
Date: Mon, 15 Jan 2024 09:45:36 +0530
Content-Language: en-in
Medicine Group | Internal Medicine | Topic ID- SRLIDEAF1 Journal of Biomedical Research & Environmental Sciences (ISSN: 2766-2276) A multidisciplinary open access journal Dear Doctor, We tried contacting you several times, but since you never responded, we'd like to do so once more as a courtesy. For the new edition, we are missing one article. Can you help us out by contributing an article to this upcoming issue by Jan 29, 2024, at the latest? We request a contribution from you as we accept all sorts of articles including Research, Review; Case reports, etc., if this is short notice to you. We believe a 2-page piece won't take too much time for someone of your caliber. Impact Factor (IIF) of the Journal of Biomedical Research & Environmental Sciences is 4.070. The acknowledgement of this invitation is requested. Regards, Ellen. B Assistant Scientific Communications Supporter SciRes Literature LLC. 1 E. Main St., Ste B Middletown, DE 19709, USA If you are not comfortable with our emails, please unsubscribe.

There was a clue in Ellen. B's missive earlier this year: JBRES is a multidisciplinary webcomic, which means it can pester for manuscripts covering anything under the sun. In this case, internal medicine.

Same old, same old: Michael uses many of the tropes that we've seen so many times before. It's almost as if this shtick was taught at skeevy skool.

Return-Receipt-To: <>
From: <>
To: "'Doctor'" <[my email address]>
Subject: [my email address] : Internal Medicine
Date: Wed, 17 Apr 2024 10:54:14 +0530
Journal of Biomedical Research & Environmental Sciences (ISSN: 2766-2276) A Multidisciplinary journal Covered Topic: Internal Medicine Respected Doctor, We tried several times, but there has been no response from you. We would like to contact you again as a friendly reminder. We are short on one article for the new issue. Is it possible for you to support us with your article for this issue of the Internal Medicine on or before April 30, 2024? We are accepting the all types of articles such as research, review, case report, etc. If this is on short notice, please do send a 2-page opinion, mini-review, or case report. We hope a 2-page article isn’t time-consuming for someone like you. We are confident that you will always be there to support us. Please send a manuscript on ongoing research to this email along with a cover letter. I await your response. Sincere Regards, Michael If these emails get annoying, please feel free to unsubscribe.

Last week, Michael had tried several times, now he's genuinely emailed [me] quite a lot of times. Hopefully, the damned (low-)rent boy will get the hint.

(Hint: no, he won't).

From: <>
To: "'Doctor'" <[my email address]>
Subject: [my email address] | Internal Medicine
Date: Sun, 28 Apr 2024 07:36:44 +0530
Journal of Biomedical Research & Environmental Sciences (ISSN: 2766-2276) A Multidisciplinary journal Covered Topic: Internal Medicine Greetings Doctor, We have genuinely emailed you quite a lot of times but received no response, so we'd like to try once more as courtesy. The most recent issue (New Edition) is missing one article. Could you please aid us by putting forward an article to this edition of the Journal of Biomedical Research & Environmental Sciences (ISSN: 2766-2276) before May 10, 2024? Please send in a research paper, review paper, mini-review, or case study. We believe that a two-page paper will not be too time-consuming for someone of your calibre if you have short notice. We are confident that you will always be available to help us. Our Sincere Request: Please acknowledge this invitation within 24 hours. Regards, Michael If these emails get annoying, please feel free to unsubscribe.

Michael returns for Rehabilitation Medicine. I'd like to put him into rehabilitative medical care.

From: <>
To: "'Doctor'" <[my email address]>
Subject: [my email address] | Rehabilitation Medicine
Date: Wed, 1 May 2024 22:51:16 +0530
Journal of Biomedical Research & Environmental Sciences (ISSN: 2766-2276) A Multidisciplinary Journal Covered Topic: Rehabilitation Medicine Respected Doctor, We tried several times, but there has been no response from you. We would like to contact you again as a friendly reminder. We are short on one article for the new issue. Is it possible for you to support us with your article for this issue of the Rehabilitation Medicine on or before May 18, 2024? We are accepting the all types of articles such as research, review, case report, etc. If this is on short notice, please do send a 2-page opinion, mini-review, or case report. We hope a 2-page article isn’t time-consuming for someone like you. We are confident that you will always be there to support us. Please send a manuscript on ongoing research to this email along with a cover letter. I await your response. Sincere Regards, Michael If these emails get annoying, please feel free to unsubscribe.