Will this madness never end?

Spiced custard

With news that The Spice Girls will reunite for a tour, this time without Victoria Posh Spice Beckham, the BBC talked to some superfans to gauge their opinion. The best analogy is from Michelle Dignan, who conveniently works for the BBC—which makes me wonder how far they cast their net—and who mused:

When I was at primary school I used to love that sponge dessert with pink custard. I'm sure if I had it now, then I'd think it was rubbish! I'm worried the Spice Girls are a bit like pink custard!

Michelle Dignan, via BBC News

You can never go back Michelle, never go back.

photo of the Spice Girl performing on stage Andrew Milligan
The Spice Girls last reunited for the closing ceremony of the 2012 Oylmpic Games.