It's all gone to shit

Suez crisis

As the Suez Canal is blocked by a massive cargo ship, resulting in huge tailbacks into the Mediterranean Sea and Red Sea, the cost in lost shipping movements is estimated to be $9.6bn. Per day. The owner of the ship has apologised for the disruption to global trade. I bet that went down well.

photo of digger dwarfed by cargo ship Reuters
Gonna need a bigger digger!

Mark Meechan, better known as Count Dankula, had this advice for the absolute genius captain of the Ever Given:

There's not enough room there for a three-point turn, pal. There's not enough room. You should have just went straight ahead, and got to the roundabout and done it that way.

Count Dankula, Absolute Genius Blocks The Suez Canal, Count Dankula 2 : Electric Boogaloo