And it's come to this

Swifter Bowl

screenshot of BBC home page
BBC home page. I get the feeling Taylor Swift may have been in attendance.

The US NFL's Super Bowl LVIII was a thing yesterday. And excitable little monkeys among BBC News' editorial team just can't spew out enough coverage, no matter how tenuous.

Self-restraint appears to be in short supply at Beeb Towers. The corporation's home page sports three articles below the top story this morning, plus a litany of others further down related directly or indirectly to the event. I found just one in the only place where it belonged, the sports section.

Honestly, I can't imagine that the BBC is of such relevance within the USA, or the Super Bowl without it, to warrant such blanket coverage. Hey ho. (shrug)

But it conflates two things that I would be completely indifferent to, if it weren't for the fact that they annoy the tits off me: spectator sports, especially of the type played by vastly-overpaid meatheads, and the omnipresence of Taylor Swift.* In other words, the perfect confluence of whatever the hell. (grumpy)

So much Super Bowl

Besides the three items above, the BBC's Super Bowl droid threw these gems—some of which are little more than Super Bowl adjacent—onto the home page for our edutainment:

It's getting kinda desperate here!

I realise that the NFL ball lacks the visibility stripes. But as a tiny icon it looks better with them, and I just don't care otherwise.

* I'm not dunking on Swift; although I think most of her songs are drivel, there are some that are definitely listenable. But she isn't that exceptional in my view, and it's possible to have too much of even a good thing, let alone a mediocre one.

This isn't really worthy of its own post, but the result of a YouTube community poll shows us not everyone, even stateside, is as obsessed with the Super Bowl as the men persons of unassumed gender from Auntie.

Hey family! Should we still go live tonight at our regularly scheduled time? or should we change the time so that people can watch the Super Bowl? Let me know what y’all want and that’s what we’ll do! Big love and respect!

JD Delay, YouTube community post

The poll had three options:

  • Change the time of the live
  • Who cares? Let’s GOOOOOO
  • I like turtles

Of 7.4K votes cast, only 16% were in favour of a change in time to accommodate the Super Bowl; 40% wanted to keep to the usual schedule; with the 45% majority being cheloniaphiles.

So, there you have it, more people prefer turtles to Taylor. (turtle) (wink)