What's that smell?


BBC Newsbeat headline: “Miss England contest: Could the swimwear parade return?”For those of us who've been living under a rock for more than a decade, the swimwear parade of the Miss England beauty pageant was abandoned in 2009, after a former contestant complained it was degrading. Think about that for a moment. Nobody forced her to compete, did they?

One reason why I've never entered the Miss England pageant, is precisely because I avoid anything that requires me to parade around in a bikini. But that's largely for the reason I'd look shit in one. It's true, I'm not being unduly modest here.

Anyhow, it may make a return. Or not. And it may be optional. Or other things might happen. Unsurprisingly, contestants' opinions tend to favour those changes that would advantage them most, or disadvantage them least.

But the most positive thing that's said of the swimwear parade is that it celebrates body positivity. There's that phrase again. And it immediately brought to mind the likes of Lizzo, Tess Holliday, and Sam Smith. (ewww)

I'm just glad that I never watch the bloody thing.