Most of it's boring

Taking a fall

I'd not heard of Jerry Falwell Jr, the president of Liberty University, a US evangelical Christian college, until he stepped down from his position following an unfortunate social media faux pas in which he posted a photo of him with his arm around a pregnant woman who wasn't his wife. For shame!

She wore shorts that were unbuttoned at the top and his jeans were unzipped, although his belly did look like it wouldn't have appreciated things otherwise. Naturally, the righteously indignant took to social media to voice their righteous indignation.

Speaking to WLNI, a local Virginia radio station, earlier this week, Mr Falwell acknowledged the criticism and identified the woman in the photo as his wife's assistant. "Yeah, it was weird. She's pregnant. She couldn't get her pants zipped and I was like trying to like... I had on a pair of jeans I haven't worn in a long time and couldn't get zipped either. So, I just put my belly out like hers," he said.

BBC News droid

His misdemeanour seems pretty innocent, at least to me. Nevertheless, the executive committee of the university's board of governors grabbed their worry beads, and requested that he take an indefinite leave of absence from his roles as President and Chancellor of Liberty University, to which he has agreed, effective immediately.

And, in doing so, Falwell lived up to his name...he fell well.

I wonder if his friend, The Donald, will be so honourable...