The life of Brian (trannie)
Back at the beginning of 2022, Magdalene Visaggio, né Brian, a [cough] transgender
grifter; low-rent activist; and social media panhandler, claimed on Twitter—where else?—that Kurt Cobain was also transgender. The claim was based partly on historical shithead rhetoric, and partly on photos showing him wearing a dress while performing. It was the '90s, it was grunge; WTF do you expect Mags, you silly boy?
The original tweet was later deleted—although it lives on at Know Your Meme—but, with his career in comics waning through general disinterest, Visaggio felt the need to stir the pot again a year later:
So in conclusion, Kurt Cobain was a trans woman.
magdalene Visaggio (24.02.2023), Twitter
Kurt Cobain was a trans girl. She is ours.
magdalene Visaggio (04.04.2023), Twitter
If it sounds like the insecure prattling of a mentally-ill social media attention-whore, that's because it is. Anyhow, clearly desperate for recognition, or relevance, our hero's at it again:
kurt cobain was a trans woman
magdalene Visaggio (01.01.2024), X
Kurt was trans
magdalene Visaggio (03.02.2024), X
His obsession with transgendering Cobain, who's been dead for thirty years and is unable to defend himself, is juvenile and disrespectful. Worse, it's hypocritical, since he's the first to go off the deep end over all that deadnaming and misgendering flap‑flap‑flap bullshit.
Richard Meyer, AKA Ya Boi Zack, nails it in his YouTube community posts: Shut up, Brian.
Oh, FFS! This bitch is obsessed!
how can anyone listen to "you know you're right" and not see Kurt screaming at the top of her lungs that she cant do this anymore
magdalene Visaggio (03.02.2024), X