This is my truth

The ol' one-two

image of BBC home page link text, referring to an Italy football fan
The bait…

Okay, so I promised to never again question the BBC's disdain for national adjectives, and I think that I've been pretty good of late. That's not to say the BBC's editorial staff haven't transgressed, they have. But I've been the bigger person, looked the other way, and moved on.

But then the BBC goes and confounds me. Seeing the teaser on the home page referring to an Italy footbal fan, I was prepared for the cock-up in the article's headline.

image of BBC homepage headline text, referring to an Italian football fan
…and the switch.

Instead, I was pleasantly surprised to be greeted by grammatically-correct English.

Verily, what the BBC taketh away, the BBC giveth.

image of BBC home page link text, referring to a China network image of BBC home page headline text, referring to a Chinese network

And, just to show that that editorial disparity wasn't a one-off, they follow up with a story about a China/Chinese network of intrigue.

At least we know that they're not pulling the home page link text from the same field as the article headline. Because half of the art of cock-up is in duplication. (rolleyes)