And it's come to this

The world is Euro

BBC home page: “‘England have golden chance to win Euros - time for excuses is over’ The Euros provide a golden chance for an England's masters of the missed opportunity to win their first major trophy since 1966”
BBC home page

Once again, only three years after Euro 2020, we're teased with the possibility that England's soccer pundits might be able to move on after almost six decades, as England's men hope to emulate the ladies. And I don't mean in terms of lipstick and mascara. Or perhaps in terms of lipstick and mascara, it takes all sorts.

Where they failed in 2021, Gareth Southgate's heroes are hoping, nay expected by the BBC's Phil McNulty, to lift the trophy for Euro 2024, and thereby win their first major trophy since 1966.

Look, I cheerfully admit to knowing fuck all about football, and caring even less. But, given that the World Cup encapsulates the best from around the world, and the Euros quite frankly doesn't, then I wouldn't put them on the same level.

Yet if this were considered enough of a major win to allow the sad sacks to move on from 1966, I'm willing to bite my tongue and go along with the charade.