The drains have backed up again

Whop-arse: a dish best served cold

BBC headline: Disney and DeSantis allies end legal dispute over control of theme park

The BBC News headline proclaims: Disney and DeSantis allies end legal dispute over control of theme park. It sounds like a rapprochement, doesn't it? The real lead, however, is buried in the penultimate paragraph:

Under Wednesday's agreement, litigation counsel Paul Huck said at the board meeting that the company recognised that the signing over of control to Disney before the board changed hands was "null and void".

BBC News droid

This refers to the keepsies move that Disney supporters on the orignal board made in signing agreements to shift control to TWDC before the district could take over. The district sued, and TWDC countersued.

Now the company recognises that this move was null and void. Sounds not so much as the two sides ending their legal dispute, as Disney losing it. As I'd hoped, Team DeSantis has whopped Team Mickey's arse all the way back to Commiefornia.

And the communards at the People's Republic of Portland Place will be weeping salty tears into their soy(boy) lattes.

[ dances the DIE DISMAL DISNEY dance ]