This is my truth

Time Bomb

still from Time Bomb: Morgan Fairchild with a gun
This is a thing. A thing that I watched. So help me!

I was ill off work. So ill that I stayed in bed until about 3pm, and still felt like shit.

Anyhow, manly-me eventually braved it downstairs and decided to watch crap on telly, since I couldn't concentrate on anything worthwhile. And there it was, the Channel 5 afternoon film, Time Bomb!

It's about security experts trying to foil the hijacking of plutonium by terrorists. So that's the plot. What about the film as a whole? Well, it was made for TV in 1984, and stars Morgan Fairchild as the lead baddie. Need I say more?

IMDb gives it an insanely generous 3.7/10 from 44 votes. But I think that's skewed by the votes of complete nutters like egroupmmm:

If there's one reason to track down this movie, it's the music!

egroupmmm, IMDb

The music? WTF?! If you can imagine a sub-Harold Faltermeyer '80s synthesised amalgam of Airwolf meets Knight Rider, and admit to finding it worth tracking down, please don't embarrass yourself in public. Some things are best kept between yourself and your parish priest…or your therapist.