Bitches bitch'n'

Too damned precious!

Baldwin Cottage is a residence for women and transgendered persons attending Oberlin College and Conservatory, Ohio. The college recently upgraded the heating system in the residence, by installing new radiators. This triggered one of the resident twinks, Peter Fray-Witzer, because the work was conducted by real, biologically-relevant men. The sort of people who install and maintain heating systems.

In general, I am very averse to people entering my personal space. This anxiety was compounded by the fact that the crew would be strangers, and they were more than likely to be cisgender men.

Peter Fray-Witzer, Male Workers Allowed Into Baldwin, Unsettling Residents, The Oberlin Review

Writing in The Oberlin Review, Fray-Witzer whimpered that the experience left him feeling angry, scared, and confused. Over a few workers doing something to make his life more comfortable. The poor, fragile lamb. (snowflake)

I asked meekly if I could actually not have a radiator installed in my dorm.

Peter Fray-Witzer, Male Workers Allowed Into Baldwin, Unsettling Residents, The Oberlin Review

Perhaps he should've demanded fearlessly.

Needless to say, this has been fodder for a great deal of piss-taking, although some of what he wrote was taken a little out of context. But, all that merriment aside, how the hell is such a rarified tosspot ever going to survive, let alone succeed, in the real world? His parents must be so proud worried shitless that he'll return home for good after he graduates.