The ramblings of a pseudointellectal…or a genuine idiot?

Vegan meat

BBC home page link: The meats that are hard to make vegan
Bait/switch: The home page leader (above) piqued my curiosity. The reality (right) was rather more prosaic.

The reason some vegan alternatives don't taste like meatWriting for BBC Future, William Park explores a question that I suspect few have ever pondered: The reason some vegan alternatives don't taste like meat.

The reason that they don't taste like meat, Bill, is because they're not meat, you frikkin' meathead. Shit…bag, do I have to do all the thinking around here?

What is this obsession, among BBC fluff-piece writers, for vegan food to look, smell, and taste like meat? And, once they get over that, will they start worrying as to why meat doesn't taste like celery? Hopefully, the death of the licence fee will afford them the opportunity to do something more meaningful than providing pointless crap like this for me to rant over.

And, with that, rant over.