Most of it's boring

When is a field of study not a field of study?

Through my experience and expertise in the field of Clinical Case Reports and Medical Case Reports, John Abraham is impelled to seek my exceptional manuscript for Mathews Journal of Case Reports. At least I assume that's what he means by inscribe for our special issue, although he doesn't go so far as to illuminate how issue 3 of volume 7 is particularly special in any way.

I suppose only an arch pedant would note that case reports are not fields of study per se, but that won't stop me this time. As I've noted before, case reports relate to single observations within a field of study or practice—usually medicine and related disciplines. They may be of interest to practioners who're active within that field, but are generally of limited wider relevance.

MJCR is indexed in a number of none-too-fussy services, including an—but not the—ISI. The link to the webcomic's website is, in fact, an Elasticmail click tracker with the same subdomain as the tracking image and the message's other links. It redirects to, which then gives the website address as! (confused)

From: Editor- Case Reports <>
Date: Sun, 23 Oct 2022 11:07:32 +0000
Subject: Hi [snip], Call for papers & contributions
Reply-To: Editor- Case Reports <>
Hope you have a pleasant day. Mathews Journal of Case Reports [2474-3666] welcomes the submission of papers for its upcoming issue Volume 7, Issue 3. Based on your research experience and expertise in the field of Clinical Case Reports and Medical Case Reports we invite you to inscribe for our special issue. MJCR authors will benefit from exceptional knowledge, support, and resources and enjoy a worldwide exposure as the journal is part of a growing number of major abstracting and indexing databases (like in J-gate, Google Scholar, cross ref, root indexing, SIS (Scientific Indexing Services), ISI (International Scientific indexing), DRJI, WorldCat, SciLit, and Genamics). The open-access nature of the journal makes it accessible to academicians, researchers, scientists, consultants, and practitioners. For more details and submission guidelines, please visit Journal Website I am confident that your exceptional manuscript will result in the best citation of our journal. We hope you will be able to accept this invitation positively, and look forward to hearing from you soon. Regards John Abraham | Editorial Assistant Mathews Journal of Case Reports Email: Phone: +1-606-405–6566 Facebook: @mathewsopenaccess Twitter: @MathewsOpen --------------------------------- 55 E. Monroe Street, Suite 3800 Chicago IL, USA, 60603. Disclaimer: If you do not want to receive newsletters from us, please click Unsubscribe UNSUBSCRIBE
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