It's all gone to shit

Where are the meatballs?

BBC home page: What it's like to go clubbing in an adandoned Ikea?
BBC home page (above) is at least consistent with the article itself (right).

BBC headline: Drumsheds: What it's like to go clubbing in an old Ikea?At first I wasn't sure whether Annabel Rackham is telling us what it's like to go clubbing in a converted IKEA store, or asking us what's it like to go clubbing in a converted IKEA store? Because, if the latter, I can't help her; I don't know, I've never tried it. Fortunately, however, it turns out she has.

Anyhow, it seems that an abandoned IKEA warehouse in Tottenham, London is rather large. Which means that it can hold 15,000 sweaty bodies. It also means that a one-way system is in place to help people move between the three rooms; not unlike an IKEA store. Also not unlike an IKEA store's one-way system, it was described by the party animals as annoying and confusing.

At least they didn't end up battling with self-build furniture for their sins. The downside, of course, is there being no Swedish meatballs.

Yes, I realise she's probably posing the question on our behalf, so she can answer it for us. The point still stands though: what's it like to go clubbing in a converted IKEA store?, for those who need to know.