I think I've soiled myself

Written wrongly

Who writes this shit? No, not this shit, here, I know who does that. Me.

No, I mean this shit:

BBC headline: ‟Italy shipwreck: Dozens of migrants killed in Calabria shipwreck” BBC

Leaving aside doubling-down on the BBC's age-old inability to use regional adjectives, I'm under the impression that a shipwreck has occurred; just reading between the lines here.

Some migrants died, while others survived. Although this is a strange way of phrasing the situation:

More than 30 migrants, including a babe in arms, have died and dozens more have survived after their overloaded boat sank in rough seas off southern Italy.

Kathryn Armstrong, BBC News

Okay, Katie's not leaving the droid take the flack this time. She's unfazed, and willing to accept the blame. But surely she's not working alone. While she may not've mastered the English language herself, there must be someone within the BBC News editorial team who has, and is willing to help her out.

I'll defer to a higher authority within the Grammer Police, but this is the way I see it: when you have two opposing outcomes, in this case fortuitous and tragic, it's usual practice to juxtapose them with a conjunction such as but, while, or nevertheless. Better still, for the sake of propriety, separate them entirely. You shouldn't treat them as if they were of comparable tenor: deaths and injuries; deaths yet survival.